Saturday, August 5, 2023

vSphere with Tanzu using NSX-T - Part28 - Create a custom VM Class

A VM class is a template that defines CPU, memory, and reservations for VMs. If you want to create a custom vmclass you can use dcli or vSphere UI. 

Following is an example using dcli:

❯ dcli +server vcenter-server-fqdn +skip-server-verification com vmware vcenter namespacemanagement virtualmachineclasses create --id best-effort-16xlarge --cpu-count 64 --memory-mb 131072

This will create a vmclass with 64 vCPUs and 128GB memory with no reservations.

❯ dcli +server vcenter-server-fqdn +skip-server-verification com vmware vcenter namespacemanagement virtualmachineclasses create --id guaranteed-16xlarge --cpu-count 64 --memory-mb 131072 --cpu-reservation 100 --memory-reservation 100

This will create a vmclass with 64 vCPUs and 128GB memory with 100% reservations.

Note: You will need to attach this newly created vmclass to a supervisor namespace to use it.

Here is the documentation reference:

Hope it was useful. Cheers!