Showing posts with label Powershell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Powershell. Show all posts

Friday, December 10, 2021

ESXi in a HA cluster fails to Enter Maintenance Mode and gets stuck

Recently we came across a situation where when we try to put a ESXi host in Maintenance Mode, it is getting stuck at certain level. These ESXi nodes were part of a vSphere with Tanzu 7 U3 cluster. While troubleshooting we noticed that there are some VMs that are either orphaned or inaccessible running on it. We deleted those orphaned and inaccessible VMs and then the ESXi node enters Maintenance Mode successfully.

You can use VMware PowerCLI to list those orphaned and inaccessible VMs.

(Get-VMHost <host_fqdn> | Get-VM | Where {$_.ExtensionData.Summary.Runtime.ConnectionState -eq "orphaned"}) | select Name,Id,PowerState

(Get-VMHost <host_fqdn> | Get-VM | Where {$_.ExtensionData.Summary.Runtime.ConnectionState -eq "inaccessible"}) | select Name,Id,PowerState

We then deleted those orphaned and inaccessible VMs. You can try to delete them using Remove-VM command. 

Remove-VM -VM <vm_name> -DeletePermanently 

If that does not work, you can try with dcli.

dcli> com vmware vcenter vm delete --vm <vm-id>

Hope it was useful.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

VMware PowerCLI 101 - part9 - Working with NSX-T

Note I am using the following versions:

PSVersion: 7.1.3
VMware PowerCLI:

Connect-NsxtServer -Server

Get-Module "VMware.VimAutomation.Nsx*" -ListAvailable
Get-Command -Module "VMware.VimAutomation.Nsxt"

Get-NsxtService | measure
Get-NsxtService | more

Get-NsxtService com.vmware.nsx.cluster
$t1 = Get-NsxtService com.vmware.nsx.cluster
$t1 | Get-Member

$t1 = Get-NsxtService com.vmware.nsx.cluster.status

$t1 = Get-NsxtService com.vmware.nsx.capacity.usage
$t1.get().capacity_usage | select usage_type, display_name, current_usage_count, max_supported_count, current_usage_percentage,severity | ft

$t1 = Get-NsxtService com.vmware.nsx.alarms
$t1.list().results | select feature_name, event_type, summary, severity, status | ft

Hope it was useful. Cheers!


Friday, October 23, 2020

VMware PowerCLI 101 - part8 - Working with vSAN

This article explains how to work with vSAN resources using PowerCLI. 

Note I am using the following versions:
PowerShell: 5.1.14393.3866
VMware PowerCLI:

Connect to vCenter:
Connect-VIServer <IP of vCenter server>

List all vSAN get cmdlets:
Get-Command Get-Vsan*

vSAN runtime info:
$c = Get-Cluster Cluster01
Get-VsanRuntimeInfo -Cluster $c

vSAN space usage:

vSAN cluster configuration:

vSAN disk details:

View all properties of a disk:
(Get-VsanDisk)[31] | select *

View disk vendor, model, firmware revision, physical location, operational state:

 vSAN disk group details:

Get all properties of a disk group:

Friday, May 15, 2020

Kubernetes 101 - Part3 - Install kubectl on Windows

This article shows how to install kubectl on a Windows machine and connect to a remote Kubernetes cluster.

Open PowerShell as administrator and run the following:
Install-Script -Name install-kubectl -Scope CurrentUser -Force

This will download the installation files to Windows PowerShell script folder of the current user. In my case it is: C:\Users\vineetha\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Scripts

Now browse to the above location in Powershell and execute the install-kubectl.ps1 file.
install-kubectl.ps1 [-DownloadLocation <path>]

Note: If you do not specify a DownloadLocationkubectl will be installed in the user's temp directory.