Showing posts with label Containers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Containers. Show all posts

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Hugging Face - Part5 - Deploy your LLM app on Kubernetes

In our previous blog post, we explored the process of containerizing the Large Language Model (LLM) from Hugging Face using FastAPI and Docker. The next step is deploying this containerized application on a Kubernetes cluster. Additionally, I'll share my observations and insights gathered during this exercise. 

You can access the deployment yaml spec and detailed instructions in my GitHub repo:


  • I am using a Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster (TKC).
  • Each node is of size best-effort-2xlarge which has 8 vCPU and 64Gi of memory.

❯ KUBECONFIG=gckubeconfig k get node
NAME                                             STATUS   ROLES                  AGE    VERSION
tkc01-control-plane-49jx4                        Ready    control-plane,master   97d    v1.23.8+vmware.3
tkc01-control-plane-m8wmt                        Ready    control-plane,master   105d   v1.23.8+vmware.3
tkc01-control-plane-z6gxx                        Ready    control-plane,master   97d    v1.23.8+vmware.3
tkc01-worker-nodepool-a1-pqq7j-dc6957d97-8gjn8   Ready    <none>                 21d    v1.23.8+vmware.3
tkc01-worker-nodepool-a1-pqq7j-dc6957d97-c9nfq   Ready    <none>                 21d    v1.23.8+vmware.3
tkc01-worker-nodepool-a1-pqq7j-dc6957d97-cngff   Ready    <none>                 21d    v1.23.8+vmware.3

  • I've attached 256Gi storage volumes to the worker nodes that is mounted at /var/lib/containerd. The worker nodes on which these llm pods are running should have enough storage space. Otherwise you may notice these pods getting stuck/ restarting/ unknownstatus. If the worker nodes run out of the storage disk space, you will see pods getting evicted with warnings The node was low on resource: ephemeral-storage. TKC spec is available in the above mentioned Git repo.


  • This works on a CPU powered Kubernetes cluster. Additional configurations might be required if you want to run this on a GPU powered cluster.
  • We have already instrumented the Readiness and Liveness functionality in the LLM app itself. 
  • The readiness probe invokes the /healthz endpoint exposed by the FastAPI app. This will make sure the FastAPI itself is healthy/ responding to the API calls.
  • The liveness probe invokes script within the app. The script invokes the /ask endpoint which interacts with the LLM and returns the response. This will make sure the LLM is responding to the user queries. For some reason if the llm is not responding/ hangs, the liveness probe will fail and eventually it will restart the container.
  • You can apply the deployment yaml spec as follows:
❯ KUBECONFIG=gckubeconfig k apply -f fastapi-llm-app-deploy-cpu.yaml


❯ KUBECONFIG=gckubeconfig k get deploy fastapi-llm-app
fastapi-llm-app   2/2     2            2           21d
❯ KUBECONFIG=gckubeconfig k get pods | grep fastapi-llm-app
fastapi-llm-app-758c7c58f7-79gmq                               1/1     Running   1 (71m ago)    13d
fastapi-llm-app-758c7c58f7-gqdc6                               1/1     Running   1 (99m ago)    13d
❯ KUBECONFIG=gckubeconfig k get svc fastapi-llm-app
NAME              TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)          AGE
fastapi-llm-app   LoadBalancer   5000:30590/TCP   5h24m

Now you can just do a curl against the EXTERNAL-IP of the above mentioned fastapi-llm-app service.

❯ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"text":"list comprehension examples in python"}'

In our next blog post, we'll try enhancing our FastAPI application with robust instrumentation. Specifically, we'll explore the process of integrating FastAPI metrics into our application, allowing us to gain valuable insights into its performance and usage metrics. Furthermore, we'll take a look at incorporating traces using OpenTelemetry, a powerful tool for distributed tracing and observability in modern applications. By leveraging OpenTelemetry, we'll be able to gain comprehensive visibility into the behavior of our application across distributed systems, enabling us to identify performance bottlenecks and optimize resource utilization.

Stay tuned for an insightful exploration of FastAPI metrics instrumentation and OpenTelemetry integration in our upcoming blog post!

Hope it was useful. Cheers!

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Generative AI and LLMs Blog Series

In this blog series we will explore the fascinating world of Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs). We delve into the latest advancements in AI technology, focusing particularly on LLMs, which have revolutionized various fields, including natural language processing and text generation.

Throughout this series, we will discuss LLM serving platforms such as Ollama and Hugging Face, providing insights into their capabilities, features, and applications. I will also guide you through the process of getting started with LLMs, from setting up your development/ test environment to deploying these powerful models on Kubernetes clusters. Additionally, we'll demonstrate how to effectively prompt and interact with LLMs using frameworks like LangChain, empowering you to harness the full potential of these cutting-edge technologies.

Stay tuned for insightful articles, and hands-on guides that will equip you with the knowledge and skills to unlock the transformative capabilities of LLMs. Let's explore the future of AI together!

Image credits:


Part1 - Deploy Ollama on Kubernetes

Part2 - Prompt LLMs using Ollama, LangChain, and Python

Part3 - Web UI for Ollama to interact with LLMs

Part4 - Vision assistant using LLaVA

Hugging Face

Part1 - Getting started with Hugging Face

Part2 - Code generation with Code Llama Instruct

Part3 - Inference with Code Llama using LangChain

Part4 - Containerize your LLM app using Python, FastAPI, and Docker

Part5 - Deploy your LLM app on Kubernetes 

Part6 - LLM app observability <coming soon>

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Ollama - Part4 - Vision assistant using LLaVA

In this exercise we will interact with LLaVA which is an end-to-end trained large multimodal model and vision assistant. We will use the Ollama REST API to prompt the model using Python.

Full project in my GitHub

LLaVA, being a large multimodal model and vision assistant, can be utilized for various tasks. Here are a couple of use cases:

  • Image Description Generation

Input: Provide LLaVA with an image.
Use Case: LLaVA can generate descriptive text or captions for the content of the image. This is particularly useful for automating image cataloging or enhancing accessibility for visually impaired users.

  • Question-Answering on Text and Image

Input: Ask LLaVA a question related to a given text or show it an image.
Use Case: LLaVA can comprehend the context and provide relevant answers. For instance, you could ask about details in a picture or seek information from a paragraph, and LLaVA will attempt to answer accordingly.

These are just a few examples, and the versatility of LLaVA allows for exploration across a wide range of multimodal tasks and applications.

Sample interaction with LLaVA model


Image credits: shutterstock


python3 --path=images/img1.jpg --prompt="describe the picture 
and what are the essentials that one need to carry generally while going these 
kind of places?"

    "model": "llava",
    "created_at": "2024-01-23T17:41:27.771729767Z",
    "response": " The image shows a man riding his bicycle on a country road, surrounded by 
    beautiful scenery and mountains. He appears to be enjoying the ride as he navigates 
    through the countryside. \n\nWhile cycling in such environments, an essential item one 
    would need to carry is a water bottle or hydration pack, to ensure they stay well-hydrated 
    during the journey. In addition, it's important to have a map or GPS device to navigate 
    through potentially less familiar routes and avoid getting lost. Other useful items for 
    cyclists may include a multi-tool, first aid kit, bike lock, snacks, spare clothes, 
    and a small portable camping stove if planning an overnight stay in the wilderness.",

Hope it was useful. Cheers!

Friday, January 26, 2024

Ollama - Part3 - Web UI for Ollama to interact with LLMs

In the previous blog posts, we covered the deployment of Ollama on Kubernetes cluster and demonstrated how to prompt the Language Models (LLMs) using LangChain and Python. Now we will delve into deploying a web user interface (UI) for Ollama on a Kubernetes cluster. This will provide a ChatGPT like experience when engaging with the LLMs.

Full project in my GitHub

The above referenced GitHub repository details all the necessary steps required to deploy the Ollama web UI. The Following diagram outlines the various components and services that interact with each other as part of this entire system:

For detailed information on deploying Prometheus, Grafana, and Loki on a Kubernetes cluster, please refer this blog post.

A sample interaction with the mistral model using the web UI is given below.

Hope it was useful. Cheers!

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Kubernetes 101 - Part11 - Find Kubernetes nodes with DiskPressure

Following are two quick and easy ways to find Kubernetes nodes with disk pressure:


kubectl get nodes -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.status.conditions[].reason=="KubeletHasDiskPressure") |'


kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]} {} {" "} {.status.conditions[?(@.type=="DiskPressure")].status} {" "} {"\n"}'

❯ kubectl get no
NAME                                 STATUS   ROLES                  AGE     VERSION
tkc-btvsm-72hz2                      Ready    control-plane,master   124d    v1.23.8+vmware.3
tkc-btvsm-79xtn                      Ready    control-plane,master   124d    v1.23.8+vmware.3
tkc-btvsm-klmjz                      Ready    control-plane,master   124d    v1.23.8+vmware.3
tkc-workers-2cmvm-5bfcc5c9cd-gmv6m   Ready    <none>                 5d17h   v1.23.8+vmware.3
tkc-workers-2cmvm-5bfcc5c9cd-m44sq   Ready    <none>                 5d17h   v1.23.8+vmware.3
tkc-workers-2cmvm-5bfcc5c9cd-mjjlk   Ready    <none>                 5d17h   v1.23.8+vmware.3
tkc-workers-2cmvm-5bfcc5c9cd-wflrl   Ready    <none>                 5d17h   v1.23.8+vmware.3
tkc-workers-2cmvm-5bfcc5c9cd-xnqvk   Ready    <none>                 5d17h   v1.23.8+vmware.3
❯ kubectl get nodes -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.status.conditions[].reason=="KubeletHasDiskPressure") |'
❯ kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]} {} {" "} {.status.conditions[?(@.type=="DiskPressure")].status} {" "} {"\n"}'
 tkc-btvsm-72hz2   False
 tkc-btvsm-79xtn   False
 tkc-btvsm-klmjz   False
 tkc-workers-2cmvm-5bfcc5c9cd-gmv6m   False
 tkc-workers-2cmvm-5bfcc5c9cd-m44sq   True
 tkc-workers-2cmvm-5bfcc5c9cd-mjjlk   False
 tkc-workers-2cmvm-5bfcc5c9cd-wflrl   True
 tkc-workers-2cmvm-5bfcc5c9cd-xnqvk   False

Hope it was useful. Cheers!

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Kubernetes 101 - Part8 - Filter events of a specific object

You can filter events of a specific object as follows:

k get event --field-selector<object name> -n <namespace>

➜  k get pods
NAME                    READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
new-replica-set-rx7vk   0/1     ImagePullBackOff   0          101s
new-replica-set-gsxxx   0/1     ImagePullBackOff   0          101s
new-replica-set-j6xcp   0/1     ImagePullBackOff   0          101s
new-replica-set-q8jz5   0/1     ErrImagePull       0          101s

➜  k get event --field-selector -n default
LAST SEEN   TYPE      REASON      OBJECT                      MESSAGE
3m53s       Normal    Scheduled   pod/new-replica-set-q8jz5   Successfully assigned default/new-replica-set-q8jz5 to controlplane
2m33s       Normal    Pulling     pod/new-replica-set-q8jz5   Pulling image "busybox777"
2m33s       Warning   Failed      pod/new-replica-set-q8jz5   Failed to pull image "busybox777": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image "": failed to resolve reference "": pull access denied, repository does not exist or may require authorization: server message: insufficient_scope: authorization failed
2m33s       Warning   Failed      pod/new-replica-set-q8jz5   Error: ErrImagePull
2m3s        Warning   Failed      pod/new-replica-set-q8jz5   Error: ImagePullBackOff
110s        Normal    BackOff     pod/new-replica-set-q8jz5   Back-off pulling image "busybox777"

Hope it was useful. Cheers!

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

vSphere with Tanzu using NSX-T - Part10 - Upgrade K8s version of Tanzu Kubernetes cluster

In the previous posts we discussed the following:

Part1 - Prerequisites

Part2 - Configure NSX

Part3 - Edge Cluster

Part4 - Tier-0 Gateway and BGP peering

Part5 - Tier-1 Gateway and Segments

Part6 - Create tags, storage policy, and content library

Part7 - Enable workload management

In this article, I will explain how to upgrade the K8s version of a Tanzu Kubernetes cluster.

Verify the current K8s version of the Tanzu Kubernetes cluster.

Check available Tanzu Kubernetes versions.

Edit the cluster manifest file.

Here we are updating from 1.18.5 to 1.18.15.

Save the manifest file.

You can see the corresponding cluster starts updating.

The cluster will get updated to the newer version in a rolling fashion. The control plane node gets updated first, followed by the worker nodes one by one. A new node will be added to the cluster with new version, and an old node will be removed from the cluster.


As you can see, the tkg-cluster-02 is upgraded from 1.18.5 to 1.18.15.

Hope it was useful. Cheers!


Sunday, May 30, 2021

vSphere with Tanzu using NSX-T - Part8 - Create namespace and deploy Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster

In the previous posts we discussed the following:

vSphere with Tanzu using NSX-T - Part1 - Prerequisites

vSphere with Tanzu using NSX-T - Part2 - Configure NSX

vSphere with Tanzu using NSX-T - Part3 - Edge Cluster

vSphere with Tanzu using NSX-T - Part4 - Tier-0 Gateway and BGP peering

vSphere with Tanzu using NSX-T - Part5 - Tier-1 Gateway and Segments

vSphere with Tanzu using NSX-T - Part6 - Create tags, storage policy, and content library

vSphere with Tanzu using NSX-T - Part7 - Enable workload management

Now that we have enabled workload management, the next step is to create namespaces on the supervisor cluster, set resource quotas as per requirements, and then the vSphere administrator can provide access to developers to these namespaces, and they can either deploy Tanzu Kubernetes clusters or VMs or vSphere pods. 

  • Create namespace.

  • Select the cluster and provide a name for the namespace.

  • Now the namespace is created successfully. Before handing over this namespace to the developer, you can set permissions, assign storage policies, and set resource limits.

Let's have a look at the NSX-T components that are instantiated when we created a new namespace.
  • A new segment is now created for the newly created namespace. This segment is connected to the T1 Gateway of the supervisor cluster.

  • A SNAT rule is also now in place on the supervisor cluster T1 Gateway. This helps the Kubernetes objects residing in the namespace to reach the external network/ internet. It uses the egress range that we provided during the workload management configuration for address translation.

We can now assign a storage policy to this newly created namespace.

  • Click on Add Storage and select the storage policy. In my case, I am using Tanzu Storage Policy which uses a vsanDatastore.

Let's apply some capacity and usage limits for this namespace. Click edit limits and provide the values.

Let's set user permissions to this newly created namespace. Click add permissions.

Now we are ready to hand over this new namespace to the dev user (John).

Under the first tile, you can see copy link, you can provide this link to the dev user. And he can open it in a web browser to access the CLI tools to connect to the newly created namespace.

Download and install the CLI tools. In my case, CLI tools are installed on a CentOS 7.x VM. You can also see the user John has connected to the newly created namespace using the CLI.

The user can now verify the resource limits of the namespace using kubectl.

You can see the following limits:
  • cpu-limit: 21.818
  • memory-limit: 131072Mi
  • storage: 500Gi
Storage is limited at 500 GB and memory at 128 GB which is very straightforward. We (vSphere admin) had set the CPU limits to 48 GHz. And here what you see is cpu-limit of this namespace is limited to 21.818 CPU cores. Just to give some more background on this calculation, the ESXi host that I am using for this study has 20 physical cores, and the total CPU capacity of a host is 44 GHz. I have 4 such ESXi hosts in the cluster. Now, the computing power of one physical core is (44/ 20) = 2.2 GHz. So, in order to limit the CPU to 48 GHz, the number of cpu core should be limited to (48/ 2.2) = 21.818.  

Apply the following cluster definition yaml file to create a Tanzu Kubernetes cluster under the ns-01-dev-john namespace.

kind: TanzuKubernetesCluster
 name: tkg-cluster-01
 namespace: ns-01-dev-john
     count: 3
     class: guaranteed-medium
     storageClass: tanzu-storage-policy
     count: 3
     class: guaranteed-xlarge
     storageClass: tanzu-storage-policy
   version: v1.18.15
    cidrBlocks: [""]
    cidrBlocks: [""]
    name: calico
   defaultClass: tanzu-storage-policy

Login to the Tanzu Kubernetes cluster directly using CLI and verify.

You can see corresponding VMs in the Center UI.

Now, let's have a look at the NSX-T side.
  • A Tier-1 Gateway is now available with a segment linked to it.

  • You can see a server load balancer with one virtual server that provides access to KubeAPI (6443) of the Tanzu Kubernetes cluster that we just deployed.

  • You can also find a SNAT rule. This helps the Tanzu Kubernetes cluster objects to reach the external network/ internet. It uses the egress range that we provided during the workload management configuration for address translation.

Note: This architecture is explained on the basis of vSphere 7 U1. In the newer versions there are changes. With vSphere 7 U1c the architecture changed from a per-TKG cluster Tier 1 Gateway model to a per-Supervisor namespace Tier 1 Gateway model. For more details, feel free to refer the blog series published by Harikrishnan T @hari5611.

In the next part we will discuss monitoring aspects of vSphere with Tanzu environment and Tanzu Kubernetes clusters. I hope this was useful. Cheers!

Saturday, April 24, 2021

vSphere with Tanzu using NSX-T Blog Series

Part1 - Prerequisites
Part2 - Configure NSX
Part3 - Edge Cluster
Part4 - Tier-0 Gateway and BGP peering
Part5 - Tier-1 Gateway and Segments
Part6 - Create tags, storage policy, and content library
Part7 - Enable workload management
Part8 - Create namespace and deploy Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster
Part9 - Monitoring
Part10 - Upgrade Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster
Part11 - Troubleshooting Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster
Part12 - Deploy application on TKC and access it
Part13 - Export WCP admin kubeconfig
Part14 - Testing TKC storage using kubestr
Part15 - Working with etcd on TKC with one control plane
Part16 - Troubleshooting content library related issues
Part17 - Troubleshooting TKC stuck at updating phase
Part18 - Troubleshooting vSphere pods with ProviderFailed status
Part19 - Troubleshooting TKC stuck at creating phase
Part20 - Safely deleting NotReady nodes from a TKC
Part21 - Pointers while upgrading the stack
Part22 - Working with NGINX Ingress Controller
Part23 - Supervisor cluster certificates expiry
Part24 - Kubernetes component certs in TKC
Part25 - Spherelet
Part26 - Jumpbox kubectl plugin to SSH to TKC node
Part27 - nullfinalizer kubectl plugin
Part28 - Create a custom VM Class
Part29 - Logging using Loki stack
Part30 - Troubleshooting inaccesssible TKC with server pool members missing in the LB VS
Part31 - Troubleshooting inaccessible TKC with expired control plane certs
Part32 - Troubleshooting BGP related issues
Part33 - Troubleshooting intermittent connection timeouts to apiserver and workloads
Part34 - CPU and Memory utilization of a supervisor cluster
Part35 - Monitoring supervisor cluster health with Python and vCenter APIs

Sunday, April 18, 2021

vSphere with Tanzu using NSX-T - Part7 - Enable workload management

In the previous posts we discussed the following: 

Part1: Prerequisites

Part2: Configure NSX-T

Part3: Edge Cluster

Part4: Tier-0 Gateway and BGP peering

Part5: Tier-1 Gateway and Segments

Part6: Create tags, storage policy, and content library

We are all set to configure and enable workload management. Before stepping into the configurations I just want to give an overall picture of vSphere with Tanzu architecture and different components. 

Once you enable workload management, the vSphere cluster will transform to a supervisor cluster. The supervisor cluster consists of 3 supervisor control plane VMs, and the ESXi hosts that act as worker nodes too. Now you can run traditional VMs, and containers side by side. You can run the containers as native vSphere pods directly running on the ESXi hosts, or you can deploy Tanzu Kubernetes clusters in VM form factor on the vSphere namespace and then run container workload on them.

Following are the steps to enable workload management:

  • Login vCenter - Menu - Workload Management.
  • Click Get started.
  • Select NSX-T and click next.

  • Select the cluster.

  • Select a size and click next.

  • Select the storage policy and click next.

  • Provide management network details and click next.

  • Provide workload network details and click next.

  • Add the content library and click next.

  • Click finish.

  • This process will take few minutes to configure and bring up the supervisor cluster. In my case, it took around 30 minutes to complete.
  • You can see the progress in the vCenter UI.

  • You can now see the supervisor control plane VMs are deployed.

Workload management is now enabled and the vSphere cluster is transformed to a supervisor cluster. Let's have a look at the objects that are automatically created in NSX-T.
  • You can see a T1 Gateway is now provisioned.

  • Multiple segments are now created corresponding to each namespace inside the supervisor control plane.

  • Multiple SNAT rules are also now in place for the newly created T1 Gateway, which helps the control plane Kubernetes objects residing in their corresponding namespaces to reach the external network/ internet. It uses the egress range that we provided during the workload management configuration for address translation.

  • You can also see two load balancers attached to the T1 Gateway:
    • Distributed Load balancer: All services of type ClusterIP are implemented as distributed load balancer virtual servers. This is for east-west traffic.
    • Server load balancer: All services of type Loadbalancer are implemented as server load balancer L4 virtual servers. And all ingress is implemented as L7 virtual servers.

  • Under the server load balancer, you can see two virtual servers. One for the KubeAPI (6443) and the other for downloading the CLI tools (443) to access the cluster.

Note that this newly created T1 Gateway (domain-c8:6ea515f0-39da-431b-93bf-0d6a5e4a0f77) is connected to the T0 Gateway for external connectivity through BGP.
The next step is to create namespaces, and you can then create Tanzu Kubernetes clusters on it. Usually, the vSphere administrator will create namespaces for developers and provide the access so that they can either deploy TKG clusters, vSphere pods, or VMs on the respective namespace. We will cover all these in the next part. 

Hope it was useful. Cheers!