Friday, January 26, 2024

Ollama - Part3 - Web UI for Ollama to interact with LLMs

In the previous blog posts, we covered the deployment of Ollama on Kubernetes cluster and demonstrated how to prompt the Language Models (LLMs) using LangChain and Python. Now we will delve into deploying a web user interface (UI) for Ollama on a Kubernetes cluster. This will provide a ChatGPT like experience when engaging with the LLMs.

Full project in my GitHub

The above referenced GitHub repository details all the necessary steps required to deploy the Ollama web UI. The Following diagram outlines the various components and services that interact with each other as part of this entire system:

For detailed information on deploying Prometheus, Grafana, and Loki on a Kubernetes cluster, please refer this blog post.

A sample interaction with the mistral model using the web UI is given below.

Hope it was useful. Cheers!

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