Showing posts with label health check. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health check. Show all posts

Friday, September 20, 2024

VMware PowerCLI 101 - part10 - Verify vSphere cluster state

To verify the most common selected status attributes of the cluster:

Get-Cluster | Get-VMHost | Select Name,@{N='HAState';E={$_.ExtensionData.Runtime.DasHostState.State}},ConnectionState,PowerState,@{N='OverallStatus';E={$_.ExtensionData.OverallStatus}},@{N='ConfigStatus';E={$_.ExtensionData.ConfigStatus}},@{N='InMaintenanceMode';E={$_.ExtensionData.Runtime.InMaintenanceMode}},@{N='RebootRequired';E={$_.ExtensionData.Summary.RebootRequired}},@{N='BootTime';E={$_.ExtensionData.Runtime.BootTime}} | ft

> Get-Cluster | Get-VMHost | Select Name,@{N='HAState';E={$_.ExtensionData.Runtime.DasHostState.State}},ConnectionState,PowerState,@{N='OverallStatus';E={$_.ExtensionData.OverallStatus}},@{N='ConfigStatus';E={$_.ExtensionData.ConfigStatus}},@{N='InMaintenanceMode';E={$_.ExtensionData.Runtime.InMaintenanceMode}},@{N='RebootRequired';E={$_.ExtensionData.Summary.RebootRequired}},@{N='BootTime';E={$_.ExtensionData.Runtime.BootTime}} | ft

Name      HAState           ConnectionState PowerState OverallStatus ConfigStatus InMaintenanceMode RebootRequired BootTime
----      -------           --------------- ---------- ------------- ------------ ----------------- -------------- -------- connectedToMaster       Connected  PoweredOn        yellow       yellow             False          False 8/27/2024 7:31:10 AM master                  Connected  PoweredOn        yellow       yellow             False          False 9/6/2024 9:08:09 PM

Hope it was useful. Cheers!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

vSphere with Tanzu using NSX-T - Part35 - Monitoring supervisor cluster health with Python and vCenter APIs

vSphere with Tanzu Supervisor cluster is a Kubernetes platform that simplifies the deployment, management, and scaling of Kubernetes clusters. Monitoring the health of your WCP/ Supervisor clusters is crucial to ensure the smooth running of your Tanzu Kubernetes Clusters (TKCs) and applications. In this blog post, we'll explore how to use Python and vCenter APIs to verify the health of your Supervisor clusters.

You can access the Python script from my GitHub repository:

This script connects to the vCenter server, retrieves the cluster summary, and checks the Tanzu Supervisor cluster configuration info and prints the status of the cluster. By using this Python script, you can easily monitor the health of your Tanzu Supervisor clusters through vCenter APIs.

Hope it was useful. Cheers!