In this article, we will go through some basic kubectl commands that may help you in troubleshooting Tanzu Kubernetes clusters. I have noticed there are cases where the guest TKCs are getting stuck at creating or updating phases.
List all TKCs that are stuck at creating/ updating: kubectl get tanzukubernetescluster --all-namespaces --sort-by="metadata.creationTimestamp" | grep creating kubectl get tanzukubernetescluster --all-namespaces --sort-by="metadata.creationTimestamp" | grep updating
On the newer versions of WCP, you may not see the TKC phase (creating/ updating/ running) in the kubectl output. I am using the following custom alias for it.
kgtkc='kubectl get tkc -A -o
You can add it to your ~/.zshrc file and relaunch the terminal. Example usage:
For TKCs that are in creating phase, some of the most common reasons might be due to lack of sufficient resources to provision the nodes, or it maybe waiting for IP allocation, etc. For the TKCs that are stuck at updating phase, it may be due to reconciliation issues, newly provisioned nodes might be waiting for IP address, old nodes may be stuck at drain phase, nodes might be in notready state, specific OVA version is not available in the contnet library, etc. You can try the following kubectl commands to get more insight into whats happening:
See events in a namespace: kubectl get events -n <namespace>
See all events: kubectl get events -A Watch events in a namespace: kubectl get events -n <namespace> -w List the Cluster API resources supporting the clusters in the current namespace: kubectl get cluster-api -n <namespace>
List TKC virtual machines in a namespace: kubectl get vm -n <namespace> List TKC virtual machines in a namespace with its IP: kubectl get vm -n <namespace> -o json | jq -r '[.items[] | {namespace:.metadata.namespace,, internalIP: .status.vmIp}]'
List all nodes of a cluster: kubectl get nodes -o wide
List all pods that are not running: kubectl get pods -A | grep -vi running
List health status of different cluster components: kubectl get --raw '/healthz?verbose'
% kubectl get --raw '/healthz?verbose' [+]ping ok [+]log ok [+]etcd ok [+]poststarthook/start-kube-apiserver-admission-initializer ok [+]poststarthook/generic-apiserver-start-informers ok [+]poststarthook/priority-and-fairness-config-consumer ok [+]poststarthook/priority-and-fairness-filter ok [+]poststarthook/start-apiextensions-informers ok [+]poststarthook/start-apiextensions-controllers ok [+]poststarthook/crd-informer-synced ok [+]poststarthook/bootstrap-controller ok [+]poststarthook/rbac/bootstrap-roles ok [+]poststarthook/scheduling/bootstrap-system-priority-classes ok [+]poststarthook/priority-and-fairness-config-producer ok [+]poststarthook/start-cluster-authentication-info-controller ok [+]poststarthook/aggregator-reload-proxy-client-cert ok [+]poststarthook/start-kube-aggregator-informers ok [+]poststarthook/apiservice-registration-controller ok [+]poststarthook/apiservice-status-available-controller ok [+]poststarthook/kube-apiserver-autoregistration ok [+]autoregister-completion ok [+]poststarthook/apiservice-openapi-controller ok healthz check passed
List all CRDs installed in your cluster and their API versions: kubectl api-resources -o wide --sort-by="name"
List available Tanzu Kubernetes releases: kubectl get tanzukubernetesreleases
List available virtual machine images: kubectl get virtualmachineimages List terminating namespaces: kubectl get ns --field-selector status.phase=Terminating
Here is an example where I have a TKC under namespace: vineetha-test05-deploy
% kubectl get tkc -n vineetha-test05-deploy NAME CONTROL PLANE WORKER TKR NAME AGE READY TKR COMPATIBLE UPDATES AVAILABLE gc 1 3 v1.20.9---vmware.1-tkg.1.a4cee5b 4d5h True True [1.21.2+vmware.1-tkg.1.ee25d55]
Given below is the yaml file that deploys a pod named jumpbox under the supervisor namespace vineetha-test05-deploy, and from there you can ssh to the TKC nodes.
Once you apply the above yaml, you can see the jumpbox pod.
% kubectl get pod -n vineetha-test05-deploy NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE jumpbox 1/1 Running 0 22m
Now, you can connect to the TKC node with its internal IP.
% kubectl -n vineetha-test05-deploy exec -it jumpbox -- /usr/bin/ssh vmware-system-user@ Welcome to Photon 3.0 (\m) - Kernel \r (\l) Last login: Mon Nov 22 16:36:40 2021 from 16:50:34 up 4 days, 5:49, 0 users, load average: 2.14, 0.97, 0.65
26 Security notice(s) Run 'tdnf updateinfo info' to see the details. vmware-system-user@gc-control-plane-ttkmt [ ~ ]$ hostname gc-control-plane-ttkmt
You can check the status of control plane pods using crictl ps.
vmware-system-user@gc-control-plane-ttkmt [ ~ ]$ sudo crictl ps CONTAINER IMAGE CREATED STATE NAME ATTEMPT POD ID bde228417c55a 9000c334d9197 4 days ago Running guest-cluster-auth-service 0 d7abf3db8670d bc4b8c1bf0e33 a294c1cf07bd6 4 days ago Running metrics-server 0 2665876cf939e 46a94dcf02f3e 92cb72974660c 4 days ago Running coredns 0 7497cdf3269ab f7d32016d6fb7 f48f23686df21 4 days ago Running csi-resizer 0 b887d394d4f80 ef80f62f3ed65 2cba51b244f27 4 days ago Running csi-provisioner 0 b887d394d4f80 64b570add2859 4d2e937854849 4 days ago Running liveness-probe 0 b887d394d4f80 c0c1db3aac161 d032188289eb5 4 days ago Running vsphere-syncer 0 b887d394d4f80 e4df023ada129 e75228f70c0d6 4 days ago Running vsphere-csi-controller 0 b887d394d4f80 e79b3cfdb4143 8a857a48ee57f 4 days ago Running csi-attacher 0 b887d394d4f80 96e4af8792cd0 b8bffc9e5af52 4 days ago Running calico-kube-controllers 0 b5e467a43b34a 23791d5648ebb 92cb72974660c 4 days ago Running coredns 0 9bde50bbfb914 0f47d11dc211b ab1e2f4eb3589 4 days ago Running guest-cluster-cloud-provider 0 fde68175c5d95 5ddfd46647e80 4d2e937854849 4 days ago Running liveness-probe 0 1a88f26173762 578ddeeef5bdd e75228f70c0d6 4 days ago Running vsphere-csi-node 0 1a88f26173762 3fcb8a287ea48 9a3d9174ac1e7 4 days ago Running node-driver-registrar 0 1a88f26173762 91b490c14d085 dc02a60cdbe40 4 days ago Running calico-node 0 35cf458eb80f8 68dbbdb779484 f7ad2965f3ac0 4 days ago Running kube-proxy 0 79f129c96e6e1 ef423f4aeb128 75bfe47a404bb 4 days ago Running docker-registry 0 752724fbbcd6a 26dd8e1f521f5 9358496e81774 4 days ago Running kube-apiserver 0 814e5d2be5eab 62745db4234e2 ab8fb8e444396 4 days ago Running kube-controller-manager 0 94543f93f7563 f2fc30c2854bd 9aa6da547b7eb 4 days ago Running etcd 0 f0a756a4cdc09 b8038e9f90e15 212d4c357a28e 4 days ago Running kube-scheduler 0 533a44c70e86c
You can check the status of kubelet and containerd services: sudo systemctl status kubelet.service
vmware-system-user@gc-control-plane-ttkmt [ ~ ]$ <udo systemctl status kubelet.service WARNING: terminal is not fully functional - (press RETURN)● kubelet.service - kubelet: The Kubernetes Node Agent Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service; enabled; vendor preset:> Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d └─10-kubeadm.conf Active: active (running) since Thu 2021-11-18 11:01:54 UTC; 4 days ago Docs: Main PID: 2234 (kubelet) Tasks: 16 (limit: 4728) Memory: 88.6M CGroup: /system.slice/kubelet.service └─2234 /usr/bin/kubelet --bootstrap-kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/boots>
Nov 22 16:32:06 gc-control-plane-ttkmt kubelet[2234]: W1122 16:32:06.065785 > Nov 22 16:32:06 gc-control-plane-ttkmt kubelet[2234]: W1122 16:32:06.067045 >
sudo systemctl status containerd.service
vmware-system-user@gc-control-plane-ttkmt [ ~ ]$ <udo systemctl status containerd.service WARNING: terminal is not fully functional - (press RETURN)● containerd.service - containerd container runtime Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/containerd.service; enabled; vendor pres> Active: active (running) since Thu 2021-11-18 11:01:23 UTC; 4 days ago Docs: Main PID: 1783 (containerd) Tasks: 386 (limit: 4728) Memory: 639.3M CGroup: /system.slice/containerd.service ├─ 1783 /usr/local/bin/containerd ├─ 1938 containerd-shim -namespace -workdir /var/lib/containe> ├─ 1939 containerd-shim -namespace -workdir /var/lib/containe>
If you have issues related to the provisioning/ deployment of TKC, you can check the logs present in the CP node:
Following is a great VMware blog series/ videos covering the different resources involved in the deployment process and troubleshooting aspects of TKCs that are provisioned using the TKG service running on the supervisor cluster.
In March 2020, I published a blog on how to create custom views and reports in vROps 8.x. This article explains how to create a custom storage report for Dell EMC PowerFlex using the PowerFlex Management Pack for vROps 8.x.
Provide a name and description for the new view. Here, for example, I will create a view that shows PowerFlex Protection Domain Info.
Select List.
Select Protection Domain as subject and group it by PowerFlex Rack/ Appliance System.
Double click or drag and drop the selected metrics or properties to include in the view. In the following screenshot, I selected 4 capacity metrics to include in the view.
You can also select and change the units and transformation as per requirements. Once it is done, click Save.
Now a view is created. Similarly, you can create multiple views for the different PowerFlex resource kinds. The next step is to include this view in an existing template or in a new template.
To create a new report template: Dashboards - Reports - Add.
Provide a name and description for the new report template.
From the views and dashboards, find the PowerFlex Protection Domain Info view that we created earlier, double-click or drag and drop them to the right pane. You can add multiple views to be included in this report template.
Select PDF and CSV.
Select all the layout options if you like to and click Save.
Now the custom report template is created. You can select it and click Run.
Select PowerFlex and then select PowerFlex World and click ok.
The report will run in the background and will be available to download under the "Generated Reports" tab. You can select it and download the PDF or CSV file. You can even configure a schedule to generate a report and email it or save it to a location automatically based on your requirements. Hope it was useful. Cheers!
In this post, we will take a look at the different resource kinds that are part of the Dell EMC PowerFlex Management Pack. Following is a very high-level logical representation of the PowerFlex Adapter resource kinds and their relationships:
Go to Environment - All objects - PowerFlex Adapter
You can also get a PowerFlex system level view in vROps using the PowerFlex rack/ appliance system resource kind. This system view is making use of the system name field that we provided while configuring each PowerFlex Adapter instance type. The system name is used to group all the logical components of one PowerFlex system.
This view provides end-to-end visibility of the PowerFlex infrastructure components that will be useful to understand the relationship between different layers of the stack. This will be also helpful to identify and troubleshoot in case of issues.
We have covered the installation and configuration of the PowerFlex Management Pack in the previous posts. In this post, we will have a look at the different dashboards that are part of the MP. Following are the 13 dashboards you will get after installing the MP:
PowerFlex System Overview
PowerFlex Manager
PowerFlex Manager Details
Management Controller
PowerFlex Management Controller
PowerFlex ESXi Cluster Usage
PowerFlex ESXi Host Usage
PowerFlex SVM Utilization
PowerFlex Networking Environment
PowerFlex Networking Performance
PowerFlex Summary
PowerFlex Details
PowerFlex Replication Details
Server Hardware
PowerFlex Node Summary
PowerFlex Node Details
Now, let's have a quick look at some of these dashboards and their functionality.
PowerFlex Node Summary
This dashboard shows the health of all PowerFlex nodes being monitored by the MP. You can see the classification of nodes as Compute Only, Storage Only, Hyperconverged, and Management Controller along with a relationship between a node and its corresponding hardware components.
PowerFlex Summary
This dashboard shows the health status of all the logical components of the PowerFlex storage system. It also has a parent-child relationship between different objects of the storage system. You can also see widgets for capacity usage trend forecasting, alerts, top storage pools by capacity usage, top volumes by size, etc.
PowerFlex Details
This dashboard shows all PowerFlex storage performance KPIs like IOPS, Bandwidth, Latency, etc.
PowerFlex Networking Environment
You can see the health status of Cisco networking components and the relationship between network interfaces, nodes, switch ports, VLANs, port-channels, etc.
PowerFlex Networking Performance
This dashboard shows the switch and switch port KPIs like Throughout, Errors, Packet discards, etc.
PowerFlex Manager
You can see the service deployment details like service health, RCM compliance status, deployment status, etc. in this dashboard.