Following powershell script will hep you to monitor status of AAD Sync Scheduler. Recently we had a requirement to monitor AAD Sync Scheduler status, where we had 2 servers. Primary and secondary. On both primary and secondary servers SyncCycleEnabled is set to True. On primary IsStagingModeEnabled is set to False and on secondary the same is set to True. AAD Sync Scheduler helps in synchronising changes happening in your on-premises directory to Azure AD. To view current configuration settings and status you can use Get-ADSyncScheduler .
Primary server:SyncCycleEnabled - True
IsStagingModeEnabled - False
Secondary server:SyncCycleEnabled - True
IsStagingModeEnabled - True
Any changes to the above states will have to trigger a warning message. The server in staging mode (secondary server in our case) is active for import and synchronisation, but it doesn't run any exports. A server in staging mode (secondary) continues to receive changes from Active Directory and Azure AD. It always has a copy of the latest changes and can be failed over to become primary. If you make configuration changes to your primary server, it is your responsibility to make the same changes to the server in staging mode. SyncCycleEnabled : True, indicates that the scheduler is running the import, sync and export processes as part of its operation. So its important to monitor the status of it at regular intervals.
Script$localcyclestatus = Get-ADSyncScheduler | select -ExpandProperty SyncCycleEnabled
$localstagingstatus = Get-ADSyncScheduler | select -ExpandProperty StagingModeEnabled
if($localcyclestatus -eq $True -and $localstagingstatus -eq $False)
Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer "" -Subject "AAD Sync Scheduler Operating Normally on Primary Server" -Body "AAD Sync Scheduler Operating Normally on Primary Server" -From "" -To ""
Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer "" -Subject “AAD Sync Scheduler Warning on Primary Server” -Body "AAD Sync Scheduler Warning on Primary Server" -From "" -To ""
Similarly, to monitor the secondary server you just have to edit the if check statement. That is, SyncCycleEnabled and StagingModeEnabled will be True. If not trigger a warning email. You can run the script locally, or can execute it remotely using "invoke-command". For monitoring the Sync status in regular intervals you can configure it as a Windows schedule task.