Sunday, September 27, 2020

Monitoring Tanzu Kubernetes cluster using Prometheus and Grafana

Updated: June 26, 2021

In this post, we will see how to deploy Prometheus and Grafana using Helm and Prometheus Operator to monitor Tanzu Kubernetes clusters. 

Following is my Tanzu K8s cluster setup:

Install Helm 3

curl >
chmod 700

Install Prometheus Operator using Helm

helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo update
helm install pro-mon -n pro-mon prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack

Verify all

Port forward Grafana to 3000 to access the dashboards

Login to Grafana using a web browser at localhost:3000/login .

The default username is "admin" and the password is "prom-operator".

Go to Dashboards - Manage to view/ access the list of out-of-the-box K8s dashboards. The following are some of the sample dashboards.

Kubernetes | Compute Resources | Namespace (Pods)

Kubernetes | Networking | Namespace (Pods)

Kubernetes | API server

This is not limited to just Tanzu K8s clusters. You can also monitor OpenShift and Upstream K8s clusters following this method. Hope it was useful. Cheers!

[] Docker_Kubernetes_Prometheus_Deploy_using_Helm_and_Prometheus_Operator

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