Showing posts with label Automation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Automation. Show all posts

Friday, May 24, 2019

VMware PowerCLI 101 - Part2 - Working with vCenter server

In my previous blog, we discussed how to install PowerCLI module and connect to a stand-alone ESXi host. Now let's start with connecting to the vCenter server.

Connect-VIServer <IP of vCenter server>

Get the list of data centers present under this vCenter server: Get-Datacenter

Get the list of clusters under a datacenter: Get-Datacenter DC01 | Get-Cluster

To verify the status of HA, DRS, and vSAN of a cluster:
(Get-Cluster Cluster01) | select Name,DrsEnabled,DrsAutomationLevel,HAEnabled,HAFailoverLevel,VsanEnabled

Get the list of ESXi hosts part of a specific cluster: 
Get-Datacenter DC01 | Get-Cluster Cluster01 | Get-VMHost

To get the list of VMs hosted on a specific ESXi host:
Get-Datacenter DC01 | Get-Cluster Cluster01 | Get-VMHost | Get-VM

To get a list of powered on and powered off VMs:
(Get-Cluster Cluster01 | Get-VM).where{$PSItem.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn"}
(Get-Cluster Cluster01 | Get-VM).where{$PSItem.PowerState -eq "PoweredOff"}

An efficient way of doing it in a single go is given below:
$vmson, $vmsoff = (Get-Cluster Cluster01 | Get-VM).where({$PSItem.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn"}, 'split')

$vmson will have the list of VMs that are PoweredOn and $vmsoff will have the list of VMs that are PoweredOff.

Cluster level inventory:
Get-Cluster | Get-Inventory

Datastore details of a cluster:
Get-Cluster | Get-Datastore | select Name, FreeSpaceGB, CapacityGB, FileSystemVersion, State

Hope this was useful. Cheers! In the next post, we will talk about performing basic VM operations using PowerCLI.

Friday, May 17, 2019

VMware PowerCLI 101 - Part1 - Installing the module and working with stand-alone ESXi host

This blog post series is for all those who would like to kickstart and learn VMware PowerCLI from the very basic level. Let's start with installing the PowerCLI module.

First, verify whether VMware.PowerCLI module is already installed on your machine.

Get-Module VMware.PowerCLI -ListAvailable

In this case, as shown above, VMware.PowerCLI module is not installed. Now let's find the latest version of the module available from PowerShell gallery.

Find-Module VMware.PowerCLI is the latest version that is available in PSGallery.

To install this module use: Install-Module VMware.PowerCLI

Installation of this module may take a couple of minutes as this is the very first time. Once successfully installed you can verify using: Get-Module VMware.PowerCLI -ListAvailable

To list all the available cmdlets: Get-Command -Module VMware*

Now, let's go ahead and connect to an ESXi host.

Connect-VIServer <IP of ESXi server>

Provide the necessary credentials and once connected successfully you will see the below.

To get basic details of the ESXi host: Get-VMHost <IP of ESXi server>

To get more information about a cmdlet you can make use of the PowerShell Help System.

You can find all the properties and methods available for an object using: Get-Member

Example: Get-VMHost | Get-Member

To retrieve specific properties of an ESXi host object: 

$h1 = Get-VMHost

Model detail: $h1.Model
Processor type: $h1.ProcessorType

Another very useful property is "ExtensionData". Let's have a detailed look at this property.

This property provides you a lot of info regarding system runtime, hardware health status, etc.

System and hardware health status:

Memory and CPU health status:

Configuration status: $h1.ExtensionData.ConfigStatus
Configuration issues: $h1.ExtensionData.ConfigIssue

Few more useful details that are available under "ExtensionData" are given below.

There is a property called "RebootRequired" which actually shows whether there is any pending reboot for the system.

System uptime and resource utilization are available under "QuickStats" property.

"OverallCpuUsage" is in MHz, "OverallMemoryUsage" is in MB and "Uptime" is in Seconds.

List of all system capabilities: $h1.ExtensionData.Capability

BIOS version: $h1.ExtensionData.Hardware.BiosInfo

In the next article, we will discuss connecting to the vCenter server using PowerCLI and performing day-to-day operations. Hope this was useful. Cheers!

Related posts:

Sunday, March 11, 2018

PowerShell quick start guide

This post is for all those who would like to kickstart and learn PowerShell from the very basic level. When I started learning PowerShell I wrote few articles so that it will be helpful for folks who are looking forward to 'how to start and learn it' and I can also refer to it whenever I need. Here in this post, I am just putting all of them together in proper order so that anyone can easily make use of it.

PowerShell 101 blog series

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Infrastructure testing using Pester - Part 1

Pester provides a framework to test PowerShell code. Now, you might have a question, "Why to invest time to test your code? What's the point?". Yes, testing the code will take some time. But in a long run it will provide you a reliable code, prevents regression bugs, you have a clear definition of what is "working", you can trust your code and will help you develop better coding practices. You can also use Pester to test and validate your infrastructure. This is what I will be explaining in the article.

Thanks to my friend Deepak for helping me kick-start Pester and pointing me in the right direction.

Infrastructure testing is nothing but reading/ fetching the current state of the infrastructure and compare it with a known or expected state. Below diagram explains this.

The real benefits of testing your infrastructure is that you have a clear-cut definition of the expected states, helps you quickly point out if something deviates from the expected behavior and finally you will have reliable deployments. You can perform infrastructure testing right after a change is implemented. This simply means the test will validate the environment to make sure everything is working as expected. 

Pester module is available on Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10 by default. You can verify the version of Pester installed using: Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name Pester

To find the most recent version of Pester from PSGallery: Find-Module -Name Pester

To install the required version: Install-Module -Name Pester -RequiredVersion 4.1.1 -Force

Now, lets get into infrastructure testing. The first thing you will need to have is a set of things that you need to test and their expected behavior. Lets have a look at the syntax and some simple examples. 


Describe "***text***" {
    Context "***text***" {
        It "***text***" {

                   ## actual test will be written here

"Describe" block is a grouping of individual tests. The tests are actually defined in "It" blocks. A describe block can have multiple it blocks. "Context" blocks serve as logical groups. It is like sub grouping. Multiple context blocks inside a describe block is also possible.

Should is a command used inside It blocks to compare objects and there are several should operators such as: Be, BeExactly, BeLike, Match etc. Some of them are used in the below examples. Visit GitHub Pester Wiki for command references.


#Example 1
#Verify the file system type and allocation unit size (AUS) of a drive in a machine 
#Expected state: Drive D - File system type should be REFS and AUS should be 4K (4096 Bytes)

Describe "Verify drive D" {
    Context "Check file system type and AUS" {
        It "Should be REFS" {
            $drive_stat = fsutil fsinfo statistics D:
            ($drive_stat[0]) -match ([regex]::Escape("File System Type :     REFS")) | Should Be $true 
        It "Should have 4K AUS" {
            $AUS_stat = fsutil fsinfo refsinfo D:
            ($AUS_stat[8]) -match ([regex]::Escape("Bytes Per Cluster :               4096")) | Should Be $true


Here you can see the test passed (Green!) as drive D is having REFS file system and AUS 4K.


#Example 2
#Check presence of Hyper-V virtual switch named "Corp"
#Verify the vSwitch type and the network adapter associated with it
#Expected state: vSwitch named "Corp" should have connection to external network and should be using network adapter "QLogic BCM57800 Gigabit Ethernet (NDIS VBD Client) #44"

Describe "Verify Hyper-V vSwitch" {
    Context "Check for Corp vSwitch, its type and connected NIC" {
        $check = Get-VMSwitch | where name -eq Corp

        It "Corp vSwitch should be present" {
            ($check.Name) | Should -BeExactly "Corp"
        It "Corp vSwitch type should be External" {
            ($check.SwitchType) | Should -BeExactly "External"   
        It "Corp vSwitch should be connected to QLogic BCM57800 Gigabit Ethernet (NDIS VBD Client) #44" {
            ($check.NetAdapterInterfaceDescription) | Should -BeExactly "BCM57800 Gigabit Ethernet (NDIS VBD Client) #44"


Here two tests passed and one failed. 
The failed test shows the clear reason why it is failed.
Expected: {BCM57800 Gigabit Ethernet (NDIS VBD Client) #44}
But was:  {QLogic BCM57800 10 Gigabit Ethernet (NDIS VBD Client) #41}


Now, if I combine the above two examples together (verify drive D and the vSwitch Corp) into a single test, the output will be:

You can also use: Invoke-Pester -Script .\Example_infra_test.ps1 
This will run all the test and will return you the number of tests passed, failed, skipped etc. as shown below.