Showing posts with label Docker host. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Docker host. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Docker 101 - Part4 - Creating images using dockerfile

In this article, I will briefly explain how to create your own image using Dockerfile. For example, I will be creating an FIO image. FIO is a storage stress test tool and this image can be used for container storage IO benchmarking/ testing.

  • Login to the CentOS docker host.
  • Create a file named "Dockerfile".
  • # vi Dockerfile
  • Add the below two lines and save it.

  • # docker build ./

  • Once the build is complete, it returns the IMAGE ID as shown below.
  • You can use the "docker tag" command to mention a repository and tag to the image. 

  • At this stage, as shown in the above screenshot, the FIO image is created with repository "vineethac/fio_image" and tagged as "latest".
  • You can run this image as given below.

  • # docker run -dit --name FIO_test01 --mount source=disk_data,target=/vol vineethac/fio_image fio --name=RandomReadTest1 --readwrite=randread --rwmixwrite=0 --bs=4k --invalidate=1 --direct=1 --filename=/vol/newfile --size=10g --time_based --runtime=300 --ioengine=libaio --numjobs=2 --iodepth=1 --norandommap --randrepeat=0 --exitall

  • The above command will start a container with FIO application running inside it. FIO will use "/vol/newfile" for IO tests. "/vol" is using "disk_data" directory which is inside "/var/lib/docker/volumes". Once the test is complete, the container will exit.

Hope it was useful. Cheers!

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Docker 101 - Part3 - Persisting data using volumes

In this article, I will explain how to use Docker volumes for persisting data generated by and used by containers with --mount flag. Volumes use the Docker area and it can be found under /var/lib/docker/volumes/ directory of the Docker host.


docker run -dit --name centos_volume_test --mount source=data_volume01,target=/datavol01 centos sleep 1800

The above command will run a CentOS container and mounts a volume at /datavol01 inside the container. It uses source /var/lib/docker/volumes/data_volume01. The below screenshot shows the necessary steps to verify it.

Hope it was useful. Cheers!

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Docker 101 - Part2 - Basic operations

Docker 101 - Part1 - Installation


Friday, October 18, 2019

Docker 101 - Part2 - Basic operations

In this article, I will walk you through basic Docker commands and how to work with it for creating, managing, and monitoring Docker containers.

Docker version and info

#docker version

#docker info

Default directory for Docker

#cd /var/lib/docker

Pull images

#docker pull centos:latest 

List images

#docker images

Create bridge network

#docker network create -d bridge --subnet ps-bridge

List all bridge networks

#brctl show

Inspect a network 

#docker network ls
#docker network inspect <name>

Run a container

#docker run -dt --name centos_test --network ps-bridge centos sleep 900

SSH into a container

#docker exec -it <name> sh

List running containers

#docker ps

List all containers

#docker ps -a

List container stats

#docker stats

Stop a container

#docker stop <Container ID>

Remove a container

#docker rm <Container ID>

Remove an image

#docker rmi <REPOSITORY:TAG>

Hope it was useful. Cheers!

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Docker 101 - Part1 - Installation

Enter cloud native! In this article, I will briefly explain how to build a virtual Docker host. Here I am installing Docker on a CentOS 7.4 virtual machine running on ESXi 6.5 which is part of a VMware vSAN cluster.

  • Deploy a basic CentOS 7.4 VM
  • Assign IP address and ensure the VM has internet connectivity
  • You should have root creds

  • SSH to the CentOS VM as root
  • yum check-update
  • yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2
  • yum-config-manager --add-repo
  • yum install docker-ce
  • systemctl start docker
  • systemctl enable docker
  • systemctl status docker

Verify version:
  • docker version

Run your first container:
  • docker run hello-world

Hope it was useful. Cheers! In the next part, I will explain basic Docker commands and operations.

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