Monday, July 1, 2019

vRealize Operations Manager 7.5 - Part3 - Rightsizing

In this article, I will briefly explain a performance optimization feature in vROps. This feature will help the user/ customer to easily find out a list of oversized and undersized VMs. vROps will provide recommendations on allocating the right amount of resources to the VM. 


As you can see in the screenshot above, there are 29 VMs that are oversized. And vROps is providing recommendations on the amount of CPU and memory reduction that can be done to optimize performance. Oversizing always have a negative impact on the performance and it is recommended to allocate the right amount of resources to a VM for optimal performance. Let's take an example of one of the VM. 

You can see that the recommendation by vROps is to reduce 8 vCPUs and 15 GB of memory. This recommendation is based on the analytics and forecasting capabilities of vROps. You can click on the VM name and it will show more details regarding the selected VM.

vROps also provides a way to resize the VMs directly from the console. You can select the VMs that you would like to resize, and click "RESIZE VM(S)".

NOTE: The workloads may be interrupted as it may require restart during resizing. 

VMware guidance: CPU Ready time and Co-Stop values per core greater than 5% and 3% respectively could be a performance concern. 

Hope it was useful. Cheers!

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