Showing posts with label Day 2 Operations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Day 2 Operations. Show all posts

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Kubernetes 101 - Part9 - kubeconfig certificate expiration

You can verify the expiration date of kubeconfig in the current context as follows:

kubectl config view --minify --raw --output 'jsonpath={..user.client-certificate-data}' | base64 -d | openssl x509 -noout -enddate

❯ k config current-context

❯ kubectl config view --minify --raw --output 'jsonpath={..user.client-certificate-data}' | base64 -d | openssl x509 -noout -enddate
notAfter=Sep 6 05:13:47 2023 GMT

❯ date
Thu Sep 7 18:05:52 IST 2023

Hope it was useful. Cheers!

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Dell EMC PowerFlex MP for vROps 8.x - Part6 - Create custom alerts

In this post, we will take a look at creating custom alerts for PowerFlex by adding symptom definitions and alert definitions. Refer to my previous blog post to understand more about the alerting aspects in vROps. Here we will take an example scenario and see how we can create custom symptom definitions and alert definitions.


The user is running some latency-sensitive business-critical applications using PowerFlex storage. Below are the symptoms that he would like to define and alerts should be produced for the same and these should affect the "Health" badge of the PowerFlex volume object.

Step1: Add Symptom Definitions

Go to Alerts - Symptom Definitions - Click Add.

Select base object type: Expand PowerFlex Adapter - Select Volume.

  • Select the metric User Data SDC Read Latency (ms): double click on it twice so that you can define both warning and critical symptoms.
  • Select the metric User Data SDC Write Latency (ms): double click on it twice so that you can define both warning and critical symptoms.

Now, fill all the required fields as per the conditions we defined earlier.

Click Save. Now as you can see below the 4 symptom definitions are created.

Step2: Add Alert Definitions

Go to Alerts - Alert Definitions - Click Add.

  • Provide alert name, select the base object type and advanced settings and click Next.

  • Filter and search the symptoms that we created earlier. Drag and drop the two volume read latency related symptoms and select Any. Click Next.

  • If you want to provide any recommendations you can add it in this step and click Next.
  • Select vSphere Solution's Default Policy and click Next and click Create.
Similarly, you can create an alert definition for PowerFlex Volume Write Latency too.

Now, we are all done. Let's test the alerts! I am using FIO to generate IO load on one of the PowerFlex volume.

You can see the Read Latency for this volume is grater than 1 ms, and so a warning alert should be produced for this specific volume.

Hope it was useful. Cheers!

Related posts

Part1: Install
Part2: Configure
Part3: Dashboards
Part4: Resource kinds and relationships
Part5: Collection interval 


Friday, December 4, 2020

Dell EMC PowerFlex MP for vROps 8.x - Part5 - Collection interval

In this post, we will take a look at modifying the collection interval of  PowerFlex Adapter instances. The PowerFlex Management Pack for vROps supports 4 instance types.

  • PowerFlex Gateway
  • PowerFlex Networking
  • PowerFlex Manager
  • PowerFlex Nodes

The default collection interval for all these adapter instances is set to 5 minutes. In most cases, you don't need to modify this. But, say you want to get PowerFlex storage performance metrics more frequently, then you have to change the collection interval of the PowerFlex Gateway instance. You can set it to as low as 1 minute. As per the testing that I have done in the lab, a PowerFlex Gateway adapter instance is able to complete the collection process of a PowerFlex storage cluster in less than a minute.

Note: If you are modifying the collection interval from the default value, make sure to verify that the collection process is able to complete successfully within the new time interval.

Administration - Inventory - Adapter Instances - PowerFlex Adapter Instance

Note: In the product guide it is recommended to configure not more than 40 Cisco switches in one PowerFlex Networking instance. So, if you have 80 switches in your PowerFlex system, you will need to configure 2 PowerFlex Networking instances where each instance will connect/ query/ collect details from 40 switches. This is based on the default collection interval of 5 minutes.

This simply means, in 5 minutes one PowerFlex Networking adapter instance can complete the collection from a max of 40 switches only. So, in 1 minute, it can complete the collection of a maximum of 8 switches. This is a rough calculation and it depends on factors like REST API response, switch firmware/ OS version, etc. So if you change the default interval, always make sure to monitor it (the collection cycle) for some time and verify whether the collection process is able to complete successfully within the new time interval. 

Hope it was useful. Cheers!

Related posts

Part1 - Install
Part2 - Configure
Part3 - Dashboards
Part4 - Resource kinds and relationships


Friday, February 21, 2020

VMware PowerCLI 101 - part7 - Working with vROps

This article explains how to work with vROps resources using PowerCLI. The following diagram shows the relationship between adapters, resource kinds, and resources. There can be multiple adapters installed on the vROps instance. Each adapter kind will have multiple resource kinds and each resource kind will have multiple resources. And each resource will have its own badges and badge scores.

Note I am using the following versions:
PowerShell: 5.1.14393.3383
VMware PowerCLI:
vROps: 7.0

Connect to vROps:
Connect-OMServer <IP of vROps>

Get the list of all installed adapters:
Get-OMResource | select AdapterKind -Unique

Get all resource kinds of a specific adapter:
Get-OMResource -AdapterKind VMWARE | select ResourceKind -Unique

Get the list of resources of a specific resource kind:
Get-OMResource -ResourceKind Datacenter

Another example:
Get-OMResource -ResourceKind ClusterComputeResource

Get details of a specific resource:
Get-OMResource -Name Cluster01 | select *

Get badge details of a selected resource:
(Get-OMResource -Name Cluster01).ExtensionData.Badges

List all resources of an adapter kind where health is not green:
Get-OMResource -AdapterKind VMWARE | select AdapterKind,ResourceKind,Name,Health,State,Status | where health -ne Green | ft

Get the list all objects of an adapter kind that have collection issues:
Get-OMResource -AdapterKind VMWARE | select AdapterKind,ResourceKind,Name,Health,State,Status | where {($_.Status -ne "DataReceiving") -or ($_.State -ne "Started")} | ft

Get the list of all active critical alerts from a specific adapter type:
Get-OMResource -AdapterKind VMWARE | Get-OMAlert -Criticality Critical -Status Active

Hope it was helpful. Cheers!

Related posts

VMware PowerCLI 101 Blog Series

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Kubernetes 101 - Part2 - Basic operations

In this article, I will walk you through basic kubectl commands for working with K8s clusters.

kubectl cluster-info

kubectl version --short

kubectl get namespaces

kubectl get nodes -o wide

kubectl get pods -o wide --all-namespaces

kubectl get pods --show-labels
kubectl get nodes --show-labels

Deploy a pod

Following is a sample yaml file for deploying a CentOS pod:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
 name: centos-pod
  zone: test
  version: v1
 - name: centos-pod
   image: centos:latest
   command: ["sleep"]
   args: ["1d"]
 nodeSelector: w2

To deploy the pod:
kubectl create -f centos-pod.yml

kubectl describe pod centos-pod

SSH into the pod:
kubectl exec -it centos-pod sh

kubectl delete pod centos-pod

Hope it was useful. Cheers!